BR Soldier Outreach is a non-profit organization that exists to bless our deployed soldiers with small semblances of some of the items they have left behind.
We gather names of service members from the greater Baton Rouge community and send care packages to those soldiers to bless them with comfort items they could use while deployed. We send these care packages every quarter.
We couldn’t do it without you.
The reason we can do what we do is 100% because of community involvement and generosity. We couldn’t do it without donors or volunteers of their time for us.
Our family has grown so large, and the giving has been tremendous this past year. We want to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all you have done for us this year. We couldn’t do what we do without you!

Thank Yous from BR Soldier Outreach
We want to thank every person who has helped somehow, shape, or form in the past year. Whether it was donating items, giving financially, volunteering time and/or talents, spreading our mission around your office, school, friends and families, or anything else.
We want to thank our amazing volunteers for all they do throughout the year, from packing boxes to delivering them to the post office.
We are excited about what God has in store for us in the coming year! We have some fantastic opportunities presenting themselves. We hope you will continue to be a part of our story as we continue to grow and multiply our efforts!
The numbers from 2021.
For the year 2021, totals are 2,244 individual bags, 181 bulk boxes, $13,286.94 postage, 6,556.41 lbs
Since our 1st shipment March 2008 – December 2021 = 13,243 individual care packages, 579 bulk boxes, 126,364.33 lbs and $49,576.26 in postage (2011-Dec 2021).
New grants from Starbucks, Capital One, Entergy, MOAA, and others.
We want to thank the following companies and organizations for their grants:
- Starbucks
- Capital One
- Entergy
- Cox Communications
If we’ve forgotten any, we apologize, and we appreciate you all!

Baton Rouge Young Marines help out with all care packages.

Thank you to Sherwood Middle Magnet School
In November, the students at Sherwood Middle Magnet had a service project and donated requested items for our troops.
On collection day, we were able to fill an entire truck and trailer with donated items. We are grateful for Sherwood’s support of our efforts and the service project that allowed them to bless our soldiers!

Thank you to Sacred Heart – Moreauville
Sacred Heart School in Moreauville, LA also had a service project and collected items for care packages.

Thank you to Springfield School and Maurepas School
These two Livingston Parish schools brought a truck and trailer full of supplies for us to distribute.

Thank you Live Oak Key Club
Thank you to this Watson, LA school for their continued support to BR Soldier Outreach by putting on fundraisers throughout the year.

Why do we need support now more than ever before?
The BR Soldier Outreach needs financial support now more than ever. We are working with the various groups to provide additional items for our soldiers serving overseas all around the world. Your donations have helped us do this for years, and it gets bigger and better every year!
The most recent example of our work is a special care package we recently shipped to Weapons Company, Battalion Landing Team 1/1 (due to security, we can’t say their exact location).
We are so excited that our soldiers there received the thousands of items we sent, but this is just one example. This company is currently spread out over an entire continent, and they are doing amazing work for us!
Again, thank you all for your continued support over the years. BR Soldier Outreach has grown so much in the past year, and we are excited about what God has planned for us in the future.
After thirteen years of producing care packages to send to soldiers with BR Soldier Outreach, I’m asking you to consider donating today. We are an official 501(c)(3) organization, which means your donations are tax-deductible.
We are a grassroots organization that began as a small, simple idea to bless soldiers far from home and loved ones. With the Lord’s blessing, we have grown every year since then and continually expand our efforts.

How can you help us in the future?
Your financial support is critical to our ability to continue doing what we do. We are asking you today to help us financially to continue this mission for years to come! You can do so using the secure form below:
We also welcome your ideas, prayers, encouragement, and assistance with volunteer efforts (including packing/shipping care packages).
We also attend various events through the Baton Rouge area, and we ask that you invite us to attend and/or advertise our efforts at your event.
We also welcome the following items:
- Protein Bars
- Candy
- Chips
- Beef Jerky
- Tony’s Seasoning
- Pretzels
- Peanuts
- Snack Cakes
- Cookies
- Boxes Of Raisins
- Chips
- Pringles
- Pudding
- Ramen Noodles
- Fruit And Nut Bars
- Sunflower Seeds
- Trail Mix
- Cheese/Peanut Butter Crackers
- Goldfish
- Sweet Tarts
- Granola Bars
- Dried Fruits
- Jolly Ranchers
- Gum
- Water Bottle Drink Mix
- Q Tips
- Word Finds,
- Crosswords,
- Brain Teasers
If you have any questions, email or send us a note on our Facebook page.
Thank you so much, and we can’t wait to see what 2022 has in store for us! 🙂

Christy Smith – BR Soldier Outreach