July 2020 BR Soldier Outreach News
Despite the COVID pandemic, there’s still plenty going on at BR Soldier Outreach.
While we may be quarantined and limited on what we can do, those serving in our armed forces are not.
These men and women are still deployed and protecting us both overseas and here in the United States.
Whether in active duty, the reserves, or the national guard, they risk it all to protect us and our freedoms every day.
For that, we say, “Thank You.”
Our mission also carries on.

We continue to raise funds and care package items to send to these heroes overseas.
We just received a thank you letter in the mail from CWO3 Trevor R. Claypool, with the USMC Sub-Unit 2, Company D MCSB.
They were recipients of our recent shipment of comfort items, snacks, and other items to make them feel at home while deployed.
Thank you, soldier supporters.
These shipments wouldn’t be possible without your help. Whether helping us stuff packages or donating to help pay for postage, you are the ones that make it happen! Please continue to give as you see fit.
BR Soldier Outreach has a new partner!
Recently, we were contacted by The Increase Hunters, about sponsoring us. Well, maybe “sponsor isn’t the correct word.”
What is The Increase Hunters?

The Increase Hunters is an education-based Coaching/Consulting company for disabled veterans exploring eligibility for increased VA disability benefits and learning more about that process.
Basically, they help disabled vets get the disability benefits from the VA that they are entitled to.
How are The Increase Hunters supporting BRSO?
Recently Richard Shuminsky and his team of veteran coaches launched a new website (designed by BlakSheep Creative, of course), and they set up a shop for people to buy The Increase Hunters T-shirts, Hoodies, etc.
But here’s the kicker.
They are donating 100% of the profits from that store to BR Soldier Outreach.
That’s right, all of it!
What a blessing it is to have businesses like this that care about the veterans of America!
Thank You for Your Support,
BR Soldier Outreach